Parish Announcements

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Announcements: For the 16th Sunday of the Ordinary time, Year B - 21 July, 2024

1(a) The parish level SCC New animators training program is organized at the Little Flower hall tomorrow/ Today at 6.30 P.M. All the new animators are requested to attend this training program.

2(a) 22nd July, Monday is the feast of Saint Mary Magdalene.

3(a) 25th July, Thursday is the Feast of St. James.

4(a) 26th July, Friday is the Feast of Ss. Joachim and Anne.

5(a) Coming Saturday the Church cleaning will be done by Francis De Assisi Community.

5(b) The St. Ignatius of Loyola Community will have the thanksgiving mass on Coming Sunday at 6.15 P.M. and followed by the get-together at the Community Hall

6(a) The Maria Goretti Community will have the thanksgiving mass on Coming Sunday at 11.15 A.M. and followed by the get-together at the Church Terrace.

6(b) Coming Sunday there will be a Gujarati Mass at 11.30 A.M. at the Little Flower Hall.

6(c) On Coming Sunday at 6.00 P.M. at the St. Joseph Hall, the parish youth along with the Sunday school are organizing a Parents and grandparents day for all the parishioners. Requesting all the parents and grandparents to be present without fail. During this program we will be honouring all the students who scored 85% and above in the 12th STD and 90% and above in 10th STD. Requesting all the clusters to celebrate the parents day in their respective clusters.

7(a) Dare to Dream, a Musical drama is being presented by the youth of our parish on the 15th and 17th of August. The coupons for the same have been distributed to all the PPC’s of the communities. Kindly patronize the shows by purchasing the coupons from your PPCs.

Announcements: For the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Year B - 14 July, 2024

1(a) Wishing you all happy feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It is a special day for all the Carmelites. On behalf of our superior and the Carmelite fathers, OCDS members and the Cloister Carmels, I wish you all a happy feast. Let us all celebrate this feast remembering Mary as our Mother and pray for the order of Carmel. Tomorrow/ Today 8.15 A.M. is the festal mass and evening at 5.00 P.M. our OCDS members will pronounce their vows. Let us specially pray for them. There will be distribution of scapulars during all the masses. Requesting the faithful to receive the scapular and wear it and kindly do not take it if you are not using it.

2(a) On Tuesday 16th July is the actual day of feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Solemnity. We have the mass in the morning and evening. During the evening mass we will be having our Definitor General to preside over the mass.

3(a) Coming Thursday is the Deanery Meeting. All the priest of the deanery will be gathering in our parish for the meeting. The priest will not be sitting at the church office.

4(a) Coming Saturday the Church cleaning will be done by Good Shepherd Community.

5(a) The St. Bonaventure Community will have the thanksgiving mass on Coming Sunday at 9.40 A.M. and followed by the get-together at the Community Hall

5(b) The Our Lady of Mount Carmel Community will have the thanksgiving mass on Coming Sunday at 5.00 P.M. and followed by the get-together at the Church Terrace.

5(c) Coming Sunday there will be a Marathi Mass at 5.00 P.M. at the Church Terrace.

6(a) The pre-Baptism course for the expectant couples, will be held from 4.00 P.M. to 6.00 P.M. on 20th, 21st, and 27th, 28th, July, at the Little Flower hall.

7(a) Dare to Dream, a Musical drama is being presented by the youth of our parish on the 15th and 17th of August. The coupons for the same have been distributed to all the PPC’s of the communities. Kindly patronize the shows by purchasing the coupons from your PPCs.

8(a) The poor and the needy, who need the education assistance for the children and the youth are requested to meet the parish priest before coming Saturday. They have to get the copy of certain documents which will be circulated on the cluster group.

Fr. Lawrence D Cunha
Parish Priest, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road (E)

Date: 13th July 2024

Announcements: For the 14th Sunday of the ordinary time, Year B - 7th July 2024

1(a) Today and tomorrow we are having the Peter’s pence diocesan recommended collection. This is to recognise the church is us all! All those who follow the Lord Jesus and who, in his name come close to the least and the suffering seeking to offer a little relief, comfort and peace.

1(b) We congratulate Annie Martin, Clare Fenandes and Oscar Fernandes, Maria D Souza, Michelle Mark Anthony, RoshanOlivera, Wilma Coutinho and Diana Wilson. They have completed the Bible course during the last year. They have been honoured with a certificate during the bible class.

1(c) Tomorrow evening is the deanery catechist’s recollection from 5.00 P.M. to 7.00 P.M. at the church Terrace.

1(d) Tomorrow/ Today, at 6.00 P.M. is the PPC Meeting at the Little Flower Hall. This meeting will be continued with the PCOA Training program and the steering committee meeting. Attendance is compulsory.

2(a) Coming Saturday the Church cleaning will be done by St. John of the Cross Community.

3 (a) The confirmation candidates will attend the retreat on 13th July at the St. Joseph Hall which will be held between 4.00 P.M. to 8.15 P.M. Attendance is compulsory

3 (b) There will be a lectors training programme for all the English Speaking lectors on the 13th July Saturday from 5.30 P.M. to 6.30 P.M. at the church terrace. The input session will be given by Karen Mazarello. Requesting all the lectors to attend the same.

3(c) The novenas to honour Our Lady of Mount Carmel is going on and on coming Saturday and Sunday we will be celebrating the feast. It is a special day for all the Carmelites. Requesting your presence in a large numbers on the day and pray for the order of Carmel. The 8.15 A.M. Mass will be the festal mass and evening at 5.00 P.M. our OCDS members will pronounce their vows. Let us specially pray for them. There will be distribution of scapulars during all the masses.

3(d) There will be a deanery level SCC New animators training program organized at Divine Mercy Church, on 14th July, Sunday, from 10.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. All the new animators, PPC and Area Coordinators are requested to attend this training program.

3(E) Coming Sunday there will be Tamil Mass at 6.15 P.M.

3(F) The pre-Baptism course for the expectant couples, will be held from 4.00 P.M. to 6.00 P.M. on 20th, 21st, and 27th, 28th, July, at the Little Flower hall.

Announcements: For the 13th Sunday of the ordinary time, Year B - 30th June 2024

1 (a) Today the diocese celebrates the Laity Sunday. I take this opportunity to thank the Vice President, Parish SCC Coordinator, Area Coordinators, PPC members, animators, PCOA leaders and the assistants. We appreciate your collaboration and service at the cluster, community, association, parish and diocese level.

1 (b) We congratulate those who have completed the Bible Class and they have been honoured with a certificate. The bible classes will re-start from tomorrow/ today.

1 (c) The First Holy Communion Parents Meeting will be held tomorrow/ today after the 9:40 am Mass at St. Joseph Hall. Attendance is compulsory.

1 (d) The first vigil service for the candidates of First Holy Communion and the Confirmation will be at the SCC level before 12th July. All the candidates are requested to contact their Animators for the same.

1 (e) The retreat for the Candidates of Confirmation will be held on July 13th from 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Attendance is compulsory.

2 (a) On Monday and Tuesday the church office will be closed to help out in the work of documentation.

3 (a) 3rd July, Wednesday, is the feast of St. Thomas.

4 (a) The novenas in honour of Our Lady of Mount Carmel will be held during all the masses, from 5th July, Friday.

4 (b) 5th July, 1st Friday of the month, Hindi Retreat from 9.00 A.M. to 3.30 P.M. and the adoration after 6.30 P.M. Mass.

5 (a) 6th July, Coming Saturday, the church cleaning will be done by Holy Family Community.

5 (b) The St. Paul Community will have the thanksgiving mass on Coming Saturday at 6.15 P.M. and followed by the get-together at the Community Hall.

6 (a) The St. Thomas Community will have the thanksgiving mass on Coming Sunday at 9.40 A.M. and followed by the get-together at the Community Hall.

6 (b) 7th July, Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. is the PPC Meeting at the Little Flower Hall. This meeting will be continued with the PCOA Training program and the steering committee meeting. Attendance is compulsory.

6 (c) Coming Sunday there will be Malayalam Mass at the Little Flower Hall at 9.00 A.M.

7 (a) The pre-Baptism course for the expectant couples, will be held from 4.00 P.M. to 6.00 P.M. on 20th, 21st, and 27th, 28th, July, at the Little Flower hall.

7 (b) There will be a Peter’s Pence diocesan recommended second collection on coming Saturday and Sunday.

Parish Priest: Fr. Lawrence D Cunha OCD
St. Joseph Church Mira Road (E)

Announcements: For the 12th Sunday of the ordinary time, Year B - 23rd June 2024

1 (a) We welcome Fr. Ivo Dias. He has been appointed as the assistant priest with the immediate effect. May he have a fruitful ministry at our parish.

1 (b) Confirmation Parents Meeting will be held on tomorrow/today after the 9:40 am mass at the St. Joseph Hall. Attendance is compulsory. Those who have not yet registered for First Holy Communion and Confirmation are kindly requested to register as soon as possible. Kindly encourage all the children to attend Sunday School regularly. Those who obtain 100% attendance will be awarded at the end of the year.

1 (c) All the PCOA group heads or the assistant head is requested to meet tomorrow/today at 6.00 P.M. at the Little Flower hall. Attendance is compulsory.

1 (d) Requesting all the parishioners to participate in the SCC cluster meeting regularly during the year. The best cluster and the community will be awarded during the SCC day celebration.

1 (e) With the new academic year, we have begun the NYG meetings and youth activities. Requesting all the youth from 11th standard or 16 years to 25 years age to actively get involved in the NYGs and youth activities. Parents are requested to kindly encourage your Children. Those who have not enrolled themselves in the NYGs are requested to do so as soon as possible.

2 (a) Monday, 24th June is the feast of the Birth of St. John the Baptist.

3 (a) Saturday 29th June is the feast of Saints Peter and Paul

3 (b) Coming Saturday, the church cleaning will be done by Our Lady of Fatima Community.

4 (a) The Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Community will have the thanksgiving mass on Coming Saturday at 6.15 P.M. and followed by the get-together at the church terrace.

5 (a) The First Holy Communion Parents Meeting will be held on 30thJune after the 9:40 am Mass at St. Joseph Hall. Attendance is compulsory.

5 (b) The St. Joseph Community will have the thanksgiving mass on Coming Sunday at 5.00 P.M. and followed by the get-together at the church terrace.

6 (a) The children who have scored 90% and above in the 10th standard and the youth who have scored 85% above, will be honoured on the parents day celebration. Kindly submit at the parish office, the copy of Parish Family ID and the Mark Sheet before the 29th June 2024.

6 (b) Those parishioners who wish to sing during the Saturday and Sunday masses are requested to meet Fr. Ivo Dias on any days of the week.

6 (c) This is the last call for those who have not re-registered for the parish family ID, to fill in the form by 29th June 2024 and submit it at the parish office.

6 (d) Our parish is publishing a souvenir on the occasion of the silver Jubilee of the dedication of our church. This souvenir will be distributed to each and every registered family of our parish. Requesting your support in sponsoring advertisement in the souvenir. The advertisements could be to promote your business, wish your loved ones for their Birthdays, 1st Holy Communion, Anniversaries or even Best Compliments. For more details kindly contact the youth animators or the Parish office.

6 (e) The English drama coupons are already given to your PPC members. Kindly collect the coupon from them.

7 (a) Kindly do not dump any spiritual articles at the church campus. The church is not a place to collect all the broken materials.

Parish Priest: Fr. Lawrence D Cunha OCD
St. Joseph Church Mira Road (E)

Announcements: For the 11th Sunday of the ordinary time, Year B - 16th June 2024

1 (a) Saturday and Sunday Mass timings will be as follows: on Saturday at 5.00 P.M. 6.15 P.M.; On Sunday at 6.45 A.M. Konkani, 8.15 A.M. parish mass at the church; 9.40 A.M. children mass at the church; 9.40 A.M. mass for the adults at the St. Joseph’s Hall; 9.40 A.M. 8th 9th 10th and 11th Standard children mass at the church terrace; 11.15 A.M. and 5.00 P.M. adult mass at the church.

1 (b) All the PPC Members, Area-Coordinators, heads and assistance of the associations, SCC animators are requested to be present at the 8.15 A.M. Mass for the commissioning.

1 (c) Tomorrow/ Today onwards the children will begin/ have begun their Sunday school. Requesting all the parents to take a keen interest in sending their children for the regular Sunday school classes. The children have to be at the gate at 8.00 A.M. Their names will be enrolled in the class itself. Children from Standard 1st till standard 5th will be attending the classes at the Mount Carmel School and the children from Standard 6th till standard 11th will be attending the classes at the Holy Cross Convent School.

The parents of the children from Standard 1st and 2nd will collect their children at Mount Carmel School and will be participating in the mass at the Church mezzanine floor.

1 (d) Those who wish to join the RCIA Classes, are requested to contact the church office during the week or the RCIA training team on coming Saturday at 7.00 P.M. at Little Flower Hall.

1 (e) The re-registration for the parish family ID was conducted for the last few months. And the updating of the parish family ID is in the process. Those who have still not filled the form are requested to complete it by coming One week and submit it at the parish office. If this form is not completed, we are in difficulty to identify the families and reach out to the families at the time of necessity.

2 (a) Fr. Nieldos Santos is available at our Parish Office on 18th June, Tuesday from 10.00 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. to consult about the matters concerned with marriage rectification, name correction or any other matters concerning church document rectification. Kindly enroll yourself for this purpose on 17th June, Monday during the morning church office hours.

3 (a) Children who have completed the 1st Holy Communion and those wish to join the altar service ministry are requested to be present on every Sunday, at the meeting at 3.00 P.M. on the Church Terrace.

3 (b) The auditions for the Children’s Choir for STD 5th -11th will be held tomorrow/ today at 3.00 P.M. in the community hall.  Children who are interested in singing or playing any instruments are requested to be present for the audition. This is an opportunity for all the Children to use their talents for the glory of God. Children or Musicians are requested to prepare 2 hymns for the auditions.

3 (c) St. Joseph Konkani Welfare Association is having its AGM on 30th June at the Church Terrace at 11.45 A.M. The agenda copies are available to the members at the Stall and with the President.

4 (a) Coming Saturday, the church cleaning will be done by Ave Maria Community.

5 (a) The SCC activities will start from this month. PPC members are requested to conduct the core group meetings and the animators are requested to conduct the cluster meetings. Every family has to participate in the cluster meeting. The 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation candidates are requested to be present for the vigil services. The best cluster and the community will be awarded during the SCC day celebration.

6 (a) The Holy Trinity Community will have the thanksgiving mass on Coming Saturday at 6.15 P.M. and followed by the get-together at the church terrace.

7 (a) All the PCOA group heads or the assistant head is requested to meet on coming Sunday at 6.00 P.M. at the Little Flower hall. Attendance is compulsory.

8 (a) Coming Sunday there will be a Gujarathi mass at 11.30 A.M. at the Little Flower hall.

Parish Priest: Fr. Lawrence D Cunha OCD
St. Joseph Church Mira Road (E)

Announcements: For the 10th Sunday of the ordinary time, Year B - 9th June 2024.

1 (a) We welcome Fr. Ivo Dias to our parish. He has served in this parish earlier. We are waiting for his appointment as an assistant priest.

1 (b) Today, we will be having the second collection by the SVP unit of our parish. This collection is meant for the purpose of education of the poor.

1 (c) From tomorrow/ today onwards we will be resuming the Altar servers meeting. All the Altar servers are requested to be present for the meeting at 3.00 P.M. on the Church Terrace. Requesting the parents to encourage your children to join the Altar servers association.

1 (d) The St. Joseph Parish Bible Cell Classes is organizing a 2 years Old Testament and New Testament Bible Course. This course will be held on every 1st 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month at the Mount Carmel School, from 9.30 A.M. to 12.00 Noon. Kindly register your names outside at the Bible cell desk.

1 (e) Those who wish to join the RCIA Classes, are requested to contact the church office during the week or the RCIA training team on coming Saturday at 7.00 P.M. at Little Flower Hall.

2 (a) St. Anthony’s feast is on 13th June, Thursday. The St. Anthony’s Community is celebrating their thanks giving mass at 6.30 P.M.

3 (a) 15th June, Saturday 7.15 P.M. is the 1st PPC Meeting at the Little Flower Hall. Attendance is compulsory.

3 (b) Coming Sunday, all PPC Members, Area-Coordinators, heads and assistance of the associations, SCC animators will have a commissioning during the 8.15 A.M. Mass. Attendance is compulsory.

4 (a) 15th June onwards, Saturday and Sunday Mass timings will be as follows: on Saturday at 5.00 P.M. 6.15 P.M.; On Sunday at 6.45 A.M. Konkani, 8.15 A.M. parish mass at the church; 9.40 A.M. children mass at the church; 9.40 A.M. mass for the adults at the St. Joseph’s Hall; 9.40 A.M. 8th 9th 10th and 11th Standard children mass at the church terrace; 11.15 A.M. and 5.00 P.M. adult mass at the church.

5 (a) 16th June, Sunday onwards the children will begin their Sunday school. Requesting all the parents to take a keen interest in sending their children for the regular Sunday school classes. The children have to be at the gate at 8.00 A.M. Their names will be enrolled in the class itself. Children from Standard 1st till standard 5th will be attending at the Mount Carmel School and the children from Standard 6th till standard 11th will be attending at the Holy Cross Convent School.

The parents of the children from Standard 1st and 2nd will collect their children at Mount Carmel School and will be participating in the mass at the Church mezzanine floor.

The 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation will be sent you on the Cluster group. Kindly fill in the online from.

6 (a) 16th June, Sunday, at 5.00 P.M, Marathi Mass on the Church Terrace.

7 (a) The auditions for the Children’s Choir for STD 5th -11th will be held on 16th June Sunday at 3.00 P.M. in the community hall. Children who are interested in singing or playing any instruments are requested to be present for the audition. This is an opportunity for all the Children to use their talents for the glory of God. Children or Musicians are requested to prepare 2 hymns for the auditions.

8 (a) The First PYC meeting of the new academic year will be held tomorrow/ today 11.00 A.M. at the Church Terrace. Elections for the new office bearers also will be conducted during the meeting. All the NYG leaders and assistant leaders are requested to be present. Attendance is compulsory.

9 (a) St. Joseph Konkani Welfare Association is organising Talent Contest in Konkani for the parishioners of Mira Road on 14th July 2024. The entry forms are available in the church stall. 5th July is the last date for the entry.

10 (a) We thank Srs. Kochurani and Shoba, from the Sisters of Charity of St. Anne as they have been transferred to Tamil Nadu and Keral respectively. We thank them for the service at our Parish.

 Parish Priest: Fr. Lawrence D Cunha OCD
St. Joseph Church Mira Road (E)

Announcements: For the 9th Sunday of the ordinary time, Year B - 2nd June 2024.

1 (a) Wishing you all a happy feast of Most Holy Body and Blood of the Our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Eucharistic Jesus revive each of the parishioner with the zeal to participate in the mass and nourish us with his body and blood to be like him.

2 (a) We congratulate and praise God for Mount Carmel School, Holy Cross Convent School and all those schools who have secured 100% results in 10 Standard.

3.(a) St. Anthony’s novena will begin from the 4th June, Tuesday onwards.

4 (a) On 7th June, Friday we are celebrating the Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Sacred Heart of Jesus community celebrates their thanks giving mass at 6.30 P.M. There will be a Hindi Retreat on coming Friday from 9.00 A.M. to 3.30 P.M. There will be an adoration after the 6.30 P.M. Mass.

5 (a) On 8th June, Saturday, we are celebrating the Feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary. St. Peter’s community celebrates their thanksgiving mass at 5.00 P.M. and the St. John the Baptist Community Celebrates their thanksgiving mass at 6.15 P.M.

6 (a) On 8th June Saturday we will be collecting the Old cloth at the church Hall Balcony. These cloths will be sent to those who are in need of them. The old books and the statues which you wish to discard can be brought on 8th June Saturday and place them besides the St. Anthony’s image. Kindly do not bring the glass material.

7 (a) The Tamil Mass will be held on coming Sunday at 6.15 P.M.

8 (a) The Sunday School will reopen on 16th June at 8.00 A.M. and the link for the 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation will be sent you on the Cluster group. Kindly fill in the online from.

9 (a) The auditions for the Children’s Choir for STD 5th -11th will be held on 16th June Sunday at 3.00 P.M. in the community hall. Children who are interested in singing or playing any instruments are requested to be present for the audition. This is an opportunity for all the Children to use their talents for the glory of God. Children/ Musicians are requested to prepare 2 hymns for the auditions.

10 (a) All those who have completed 10th standard are requested to join the NYG groups. Kindly contact the youth animators or NYG leaders for the same. Even other Youth up to the age of 25 but are not part of the NYG are also requested to join the NYG groups and involve themselves in NYG meetings and youth activities.

11 (a) From 9th June onwards that is from next Sunday onwards we will be resuming the Altar servers meeting. All the Altar servers are requested to be present for the meeting at 3.00 P.M. on the Church Terrace. Those who would like to join the Altar servers association are also requested to be present for this first meeting.

12 (a) The First PYC meeting of the new academic year will be held on 9th June that is next Sunday at 11.00 A.M. at the Church Terrace. Elections for the new office bearers also will be conducted during the meeting. All the NYG leaders and assistant leaders are requested to be present. Attendance is compulsory.

13 (a) Students who want to seek admission for STD. XI in Minority Quota and Inhouse Quota at Our Lady of Nazareth High School and Jr. College in Commerce stream for the Academic Year 2024-25 are requested to collect STD XI Admission Form on Monday 3rd June 2024 at 09.00 A.M. from the College office.

14 (a) We are grateful to the service of Fr. Walter D Souza who has served our Parish for the last Seven Years. The provincial administration has transferred him to Mangalore, Carmel Hill. We acknowledge his service to the SCC zone and the parish and his spiritual ministry in the parish like celebrating mass, administering the sacraments of confession and anointing of the sick. We also thank him for the various ministries he has handled during his past seven years here. He will be celebrating the thanksgiving mass tomorrow at 8.15 A.M. He will be leaving Mira Road on 7th June. Those who wish to meet him can do so during these days. You will always be welcome to our parish. Thank you Father for your service.

15 (a) The Helpers of Jesus Sister Noviciate has been shifted to Malad. We are grateful to their service at our Parish.

16 (a) Sr. Wilma, from the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross has been transferred to Mundugodu. We thank you for you service at our Parish.

SOP Guidelines

1. Daily mass at 6:15 AM and Sunday mass at 7.00 AM (Konkani) & 8:15 AM will also be live telecasted on YouTube.

2. Kindly Cooperate with the Ushers.

3. Kindly attend the mass allotted to your respective zone only.

4. Wearing of the mask, Sanitization at the entrance & checking of temperature is mandatory. (you are advised to carry your own sanitizers)
5. Social distancing while entering the church, in the church and while moving out of the church is compulsory.
6. Those who come as a family can sit together occupying one pew and those who attend individually are to occupy the lobby.
7. After receiving Holy Communion you are to exit the Church premises.
8. Touching or kissing of any statues or frames in the church is strictly prohibited.
9. Sick and those exhibiting symptoms of flu are requested not to attend the services.
10. Due to safety measures collection boxes will not be passed during the Mass. You can drop your contribution in the box placed at the entrance doors.
11. Holy Communion will be distributed at the end of the mass and has to be received only in hand. (kindly do not take home)
12. After the services no one is permitted to gather in the church premises.
Other Services - Timings

Daily Novenas (Prayed after 6.15 am Live Mass on YouTube)
Monday: St. Joseph
Tuesday: St. Anthony
Wednesday: Our Lady of Perpetual Succor
Thursday: Infant Jesus
Friday: Chaplet and Litany of Divine Mercy
Saturday: Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Nuptial Mass
Weekdays: 4:00 pm
Saturdays: 4:00 pm
Sundays: 3:30 pm & 6.15pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation: (Confession)
Monday to Friday:
5:45 pm to 5:55 pm/6.45 pm to 6.55 pm
Saturday: 5:30 pm to 5:55 pm

Sacrament of Baptism
– The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on all Saturdays of the month during the 7:15 pm Mass & Sundays of the month during the 11:00 am Mass.
– Parents must attend the Pre-Baptism course. Contact Parish Office for further details.

Sacrament of Matrimony
Couples should make arrangements with the Parish Priest and must attend the Marriage Preparation Course Six (6) months before the wedding day.

Special Administering of Sacraments (Anointing of the sick & Holy Eucharist)

– Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements if any of our Parishioners is being admitted to the hospital or is homebound, and, would like to receive the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion.
– If a Parishioner is unable to come to church and would like to receive Communion at home, please notify the Animator / Parish Office.
– The Eucharistic Ministers will administer Holy Communion to the Sick & Aged. In case the Parishioner wishes to make the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), the Clergy will administer Holy Communion.

House Blessings
– Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for House Blessing for new Parishioners.
– On the appointed day, a member of the family should meet the priest in the Parish Office/ Church and accompany him to avoid delay in locating the house for blessing.
– Community Visits on Tuesday and Wednesday.

– Every Friday from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm (Conducted by Priests)
– The Adoration Chapel is currently closed due to Covid.
– Adoration by the SCCs Every Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm in the Chapel of Our Lady of Velankanni (below Infant Jesus Shrine) (CURRENTLY ON HOLD DUE TO COVID)

Charismatic Prayer Service (CURRENTLY ON HOLD DUE TO COVID)
Monday: Hindi -7.30pm to 9.30pm
Wednesday: Konkani 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Thursday: English 7.30pm to 9.00pm

Sunday School (Catechism) 8.15am to 9.15am
Std 1st – 5th (in Anubhav)
Std 6th – 11th [Confirmation] (in Holy Cross Convent School)

Secular Carmel (OCDS)
Meetings on every Thursday 7.30pm to 8.30 pm at Anubhav.

Full day Retreat 
Full day retreat in Hindi on 1st Friday on all months 9.30am-4.00pm.

On Request at Anubhav (Contact Noreen Dsouza – 9892812973)

Free Medical consultancy by Dr. Anthony Rodrigues (Every Thursday 10am to 12pm)
Free Legal Advice by John D’Mello (Every Monday 5.00pm to 7.00pm)
Spiritual Counselling By Bro. Rajan (Every Wednesday 10.00am to 12.30pm.

Adoration Chapel
– The Chapel is open from 5:30am to 10:00pm. (CURRENTLY CLOSED TILL FURTHER NOTICE)
– Strict silence to be maintained in the Chapel.
– Adequate copies of the Bible are available.

– Adoration will be conducted by the SCCs Every Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm in the Chapel of Our Lady of Velankanni (below Infant Jesus Shrine) thereafter the same community will join for the 7pm mass and the community intentions will be lifted up during the adoration.

– The List for the Day will be displayed on the Parish Notice Board by the last week of each month, to make necessary arrangement by the respective SCCs, Associations & Cells to conduct the service