Parish Announcements
1. (a) Today we are celebrating the “World Marriage Day”. We congratulate all the couples of our parish and all those who are present for this eucharist and have exchanged your vows during this mass. We appreciate your service and witnessing value which helps the church to march forward with faith and hope.
2. (a) Today we are having the second collection which is to recall the Holy childhood day as guided by the Bombay Diocese.
3. (a) We pray for the 193 Confirmation candidates who will be conferred with the Sacrament of Confirmation by Bishop Dominic Savio Fernandes, tomorrow at 4.00 P.M. mass. We thank the confirmation candidates for their zeal to attend the sessions, their parents who supported them on their journey, the catechists who committed by giving their time and service to form these candidates, the respective communities, the PPC Members and animators for their spiritual accompaniment and the Fr. Pawan for guiding the whole Sunday school confirmation catechesis.
4. (a) Coming Saturday, the Church cleaning will be done by Our Lady of Rosary Community.
5. (a) The Pre-Baptism course will be held on February 15th, 16th, 22nd, & 23rd at the Little Flower Hall from 4 P.M to 6.00 P.M.
6. (a) Discovering the Healing Power of Active Listening seminar is organised on 22nd to 26th of February 2025. There are two groups: first batch: 10.00 A. M. to 12.30 P.M. Second Batch: 07.00 P. M. to 09.30 P.M. All are welcome. Kindly enrol yourself with the community PPC Leader.
7. (a) Centre for social action (CSA) of the Archdiocese of Bombay, works in Raigad with tribal community to train them for generating sustainable livelihoods. Food and non-food products made by the tribal will be put up for sale on Saturday and Sunday 15th and 16th February after each mass in our parish. kindly patronize.
8. (a) The Marathi Mass will be held on coming Sunday at 5.00 P.M.
9. (a) Those who wish to join the ministry of Extra Ordinary ministers of the Holy Communion, ministry of lectors, choir are requested to meet Fr. Ivo Dias or any of the spiritual directors.
Fr. Lawrence DCunha, Parish Priest. St. Joseph Church Mira Road
09 February 2025
1(a) Tomorrow/today we celebrate the feast of Presentation of the Lord. We dedicate this day as the world day consecrated life. We pray for all the religious sisters and priests who are serving in the parish. The candles which we have blessed today will be used for the blessing of the throat on Monday morning and evening masses.
2(a) Deanery level faith celebration for Std. 7th and 8th starting from 8.00 A.M. and ending at 12.30 P.M. at the church terrace. Mass is at 8.30 A.M.
3(a) First Holy Communion parents meeting in St. Joseph’s Hall at 11.00 A.M. after children’s Mass.
4(a) Confirmation candidates of our parish will have a practice and confession on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On coming Sunday, at 4.00 P.M. mass, Bishop Dominic Savio Fernandes will administer the sacrament of confirmation to 193 candidates of our parish. The confirmation candidates and the parents will have the recollection tomorrow/ today, from 4.00 P.M. to 7.00 P.M. at the St. Joseph Hall.
5(a) The family series organised by the English Charismatic group of our parish will end with inner healing and deliverance conducted by Br. Trevor Lewis on 6th February, Thursday, in the church, after the 6.30 P.M. Mass. Request you all to come in large numbers and experience the peace of Christ as He heals our broken relationships and strengthens our family bonds.
6(a) Coming Friday there will be Hindi Retreat from 9.00 A.M. to 3.30 P.M. The 6.30 P.M. Mass will be a special mass for all the 10th and 12th Standard students who will be appearing for the exam this year. After the mass we will be having the intercessory prayer and adoration for the students. Other standard students also are welcome.
7(a) Coming Saturday, the Church cleaning will be done by Sacred Heart Community.
6(a) We are celebrating the world Marriage Day on coming Sunday. Requesting all the families to come for the mass together as a family.
7(a) Coming Sunday there will be Holy childhood day collection as guided by the Bombay Diocese.
8(a) The Tamil Mass will be held on coming Sunday 6.30 A.M.
9(a) The Pre-Baptism course will be held on February 15th, 16th, 22nd, & 23rd at the Little Flower Hall from 4 P.M to 6.00 P.M.
Fr. Lawrence DCunha, Parish Priest.
St. Joseph Church Mira Road
1(a) Today we are celebrating the feast of Infant Jesus. Wishing you all Happy Feast of Infant Jesus. Jesus says, “All that you ask of the Father in My Name, He will grant you,” and again he says, “Heaven and earth shall pass away but My word shall not pass away.” Let us believe in Jesus and grow in him by walking in his path. We thank Deacon Jesvin Tom for preaching the 9 days of novenas to honour Infant Jesus are going on.
Today we are celebrating the SCC day at 5 P.M. Mass at the Community Hall and after that the cultural evening and the dinner. We thank all the Spiritual directors, Vice president, secretaries, parish Coordinators, PPC members, Area Coordinators, Animators, PCOA Heads and assistant heads, Health cell and parish staff. As we are celebrating the word of God Sunday we thank all those who are part of the bible cell and their spiritual director.
2(a) We thank all the Family Cell members for their presence at the first meeting on last Tuesday. The future programs will be posted on the family cell group. Those who wish to join the group kindly give your names to the PPC members.
3(a) We thank the Karunya Sewa CWS Foundation, the Mira-Bhayandar Runners, Mepro Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd and Maks Pickleball, for conducting the mega blood donation.
4(a) There will be unfurling of the national flag at the Mount Carmel School after the Konkani Mass.
5(a) The intercessory prayer and adoration in preparation of Logos Charismatic convention is held on every Friday after 6.30 P.M. Mass. Requesting all the parishioners to be part of this prayer service.
6(a) Coming Saturday, the Church cleaning will be done by St. Lawrence Community.
7(a) The Malayalam Mass will be held at the Little Flower Hall on coming Sunday 9.00 A.M.
8(a) The PPC meeting will be held at the Little Flower Hall on coming Sunday at 6.00 P.M. Attendance is compulsory.
9(a) Discovering the Healing Power of Active Listening seminar is organised on 22nd to 26th of February 2025. There are two groups: first batch: 10.00 A. M. to 12.30 P.M. Second Batch: 07.00 P. M. to 09.30 P.M. All are welcome. Kindly enrol yourself with the community PPC Leader.
10(a) Those who wish to join the RCIA classes for the 2025-26 batch are requested to meet the parish priest with your birth certificate and the aadhar card.
11(a) The Pre-Baptism course will be held on February 15th, 16th, 22nd, & 23rd at the Little Flower Hall from 4 P.M to 6.00 P.M.
12(a) Those who wish to do the bible study in dept are requested to enrol for the yearly course at the St. Pius College, Goregaon East, starting from the June 2025. For details kindly see the notice board.
13(a) The Sophia foundation charitable trust present a musical program by Blind singers in aid of “Sophia Care Home” in our St. Joseph Hall on 30th January of 7.30 P.M. All are cordially invited and entry against the doner passes.
14(a) Angel Leandra’s Ray of Hope foundation has arranged a Koli Cultural program on 2nd Feb 2025 from 5.30 P.M. onwards by Vesawkar and team at Our Lady of sea church ground Uttan. Entry is free and dinner is also arranged. All are invited.
Fr. Lawrence DCunha, Parish Priest.
St. Joseph Church Mira Road
1(a) Today/Tomorrow we pray for the vocations for the priesthood and religious life.
2(a) We congratulate our Altar servers and their animators along with their spiritual director Fr. Ivo for their participation at the deanery and diocesan level Altar server’s football and dodge ball tournaments. Our altar servers’ teams have won the first prize trophy in both the events. We thank them for their dedication and commitment.
3(a) The Family Cell members are requested to gather on Tuesday, 21st January 2025, at 7.30 P.M. at the community hall. We request one family representation from each community and help us to promote the family cell. Kindly give your names to the respective community PPC leader before the before tomorrow/ today evening.
4(a) The novenas to honour Infant Jesus are going on. The Feast of Infant Jesus is celebrated on coming Sunday at all the masses. Same day we are celebrating the SCC day at the 5 P.M. Mass at the Community Hall and after that the cultural evening and the dinner. We invite all the Spiritual directors, all the earlier vice presidents, parish Coordinators, present PPC members, Area Coordinators, Animators, PCOA Heads and assistant heads, Health cell and parish staff. On that day we will be honouring the best communities and clusters during this celebration.
5(a) The intercessory prayer and adoration in preparation of Logos Charismatic convention is held on every Friday after 6.30 P.M. Mass. Requesting all the parishioners to be part of this prayer service.
6(a) Coming Saturday, the Church cleaning will be done by Holy Cross Community.
7(a) The Karunya Sewa CWS Foundation in collaboration with the Mira-Bhayandar Runners, Mepro Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd and Maks Pickleball, invites you to a mega blood donation drive on Saturday 25th January at the St. Joseph Hall, from 10 A.M. to 3.00 P.M. Requesting all the parishioners to participate in the blood donation drive.
8(a) The Gujarati Mass will be held at the Little Flower Hall on coming Sunday 11.00 A.M.
9(a) Listening seminar is organised on 22nd to 26th of February 2025 which is a very good seminar for all the leaders and the interested parishioners. It is a 5-day course guided by renowned members from Spain through the assistance of Fr. Ajay Nazareth. This is a good training program for all the parents, leaders, teachers, and all the parishioners. Requesting all the area coordinators, PPC members, animators, PCOA Heads and assistant heads, youth and all the leaders to participate in this training program. Kindly give your names to the respective community PPC Leader.
10(a) Families who are taking the grant from the church for the ration, education and medical are requested to collect the CWF form on 1st February 2025 from SVP during the ration collection. The forms are to be returned on 22nd of February 2025 with the attached documents.
11(a) The Pre-Baptism course will be held on February 15th, 16th, 22nd , & 23rd at the Little Flower Hall from 4 P.M to 6.00 P.M.
1(a) Wishing you all happy feast of Baptism of our Lord. May the Baptism of the Lord remind us of our own baptism and instil in us the vigour of proclamation of the gospel in our family and parish.
2(a) As we wish to revive the parish Family cell and connect all the jubilee activities connected to the families. So, we request one family representation from each community and help us promote the family cell. Kindly give your name to the respective community PPC leader before the 18th January 2025.
3(a) The Feast of Infant Jesus and the SCC day will be celebrated on 26th January. The novenas to honour Infant Jesus will commence on 17th January onwards. Requesting your attendance in large numbers.
4(a) We are having the charismatic convention on the 28th 29th 30th of March by the Logos Charismatic Team. So, we are beginning with the Charismatic Intercessory prayer on every Friday after the 6.30 Eucharist, at the church. We invite the Hindi, Konkani, English Charismatic prayer group and all the communities, PCOA to come forward to join in the adoration and intercessory prayer to have a success in this convention. We will start the intercessory prayer from coming Friday onwards.
5(a) Coming Saturday, the Church cleaning will be done by Infant Jesus Community.
6(a) Listening Seminar will be organised from 22nd to 26th of February 2025 which is a very good seminar for all the leaders and the interested parishioners. It is a 5-day course guided by renowned and qualified members from Spain through the assistance of Fr. Ajay Nazareth. This is a good training program for all the parents, leaders, teachers, and all the parishioners. The booking will be done at the SCC level and at the parish after every Sunday masses. Requesting all the area coordinators, PPC members, animators, PCOA Heads and assistant heads and all the leaders to be participate in this training program.
7(a) Coming Sunday we pray for the vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
8(a) The Marathi Mass will be held at the Church terrace on coming Sunday at 5.00 P.M.
Fr. Lawrence D Cunha, Parish Priest, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road (E),
Date: 12/01/2025
1(a) Wishing you all a happy feast of Epiphany, the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi. Epiphany is the day that God stepped into the world and has announced to the whole world that King Jesus is intimately interested in you. God hadn’t abandoned his people. He isn’t silent or distant.
1(b) Tomorrow/ Today onwards Sunday School will reopen for the standard from 1st to 9th and 11th standard.
2(a) We are celebrating the Jubilee Year 2025 at the diocesan level with the theme “Pilgrims of hope”. It is a time of grace and a time to renew our relationship with God and seek forgiveness for our sins and deepen our commitment towards the Christian life. There will be themes for each month keeping in mind with the families. At the same time, we want to revive the parish Family cell and connect all the jubilee activities connected to the families. So we request one family representation from each community and help us promote the family cell.
3(a) A good family relationship is the building block of God’s plan for us. Understanding the need and importance of nurturing family relationships, the English Charismatic group is beginning with a ‘Family Series’ starting this Thursday from 7.30 P.M. for the next 4 Thursdays in the church, with the focus on mending and strengthening the different relationships that exist in a family. On 6th Feb, there will be inner healing for families conducted by Br. Trevor Lewis. Please do come in large numbers and strengthen your family bond.
4(a) Coming Saturday, the Church cleaning will be done by St. Jude and St. Francis Xavior Community.
5(a) The Solemnity of Baptism of the Lord on coming Sunday.
5(b) The Tamil Mass will be held at the Church on coming Sunday at 6.15 P.M.
6(a) The TKI Tours and Travels have their 20 days European pilgrimage. The Purple Orchid Tours & Holidays has organized a Holy Land and Europe tour. Kindly have glance at the notices which are displayed on the church board.
Fr. Lawrence D Cunha,
Parish Priest, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road (E),
05 January 2025
1. Daily mass at 6:15 AM and Sunday mass at 7.00 AM (Konkani) & 8:15 AM will also be live telecasted on YouTube.
2. Kindly Cooperate with the Ushers.
3. Kindly attend the mass allotted to your respective zone only.
Daily Novenas (Prayed after 6.15 am Live Mass on YouTube)
Monday: St. Joseph
Tuesday: St. Anthony
Wednesday: Our Lady of Perpetual Succor
Thursday: Infant Jesus
Friday: Chaplet and Litany of Divine Mercy
Saturday: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Nuptial Mass
Weekdays: 4:00 pm
Saturdays: 4:00 pm
Sundays: 3:30 pm & 6.15pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation: (Confession)
Monday to Friday:
5:45 pm to 5:55 pm/6.45 pm to 6.55 pm
Saturday: 5:30 pm to 5:55 pm
Sacrament of Baptism
– The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on all Saturdays of the month during the 7:15 pm Mass & Sundays of the month during the 11:00 am Mass.
– Parents must attend the Pre-Baptism course. Contact Parish Office for further details.
Sacrament of Matrimony
Couples should make arrangements with the Parish Priest and must attend the Marriage Preparation Course Six (6) months before the wedding day.
Special Administering of Sacraments (Anointing of the sick & Holy Eucharist)
– Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements if any of our Parishioners is being admitted to the hospital or is homebound, and, would like to receive the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion.
– If a Parishioner is unable to come to church and would like to receive Communion at home, please notify the Animator / Parish Office.
– The Eucharistic Ministers will administer Holy Communion to the Sick & Aged. In case the Parishioner wishes to make the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), the Clergy will administer Holy Communion.
House Blessings
– Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for House Blessing for new Parishioners.
– On the appointed day, a member of the family should meet the priest in the Parish Office/ Church and accompany him to avoid delay in locating the house for blessing.
– Community Visits on Tuesday and Wednesday.
– Every Friday from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm (Conducted by Priests)
– The Adoration Chapel is currently closed due to Covid.
– Adoration by the SCCs Every Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm in the Chapel of Our Lady of Velankanni (below Infant Jesus Shrine) (CURRENTLY ON HOLD DUE TO COVID)
Charismatic Prayer Service (CURRENTLY ON HOLD DUE TO COVID)
Monday: Hindi -7.30pm to 9.30pm
Wednesday: Konkani 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Thursday: English 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Sunday School (Catechism) 8.15am to 9.15am
Std 1st – 5th (in Anubhav)
Std 6th – 11th [Confirmation] (in Holy Cross Convent School)
Secular Carmel (OCDS)
Meetings on every Thursday 7.30pm to 8.30 pm at Anubhav.
Full day Retreat
Full day retreat in Hindi on 1st Friday on all months 9.30am-4.00pm.
On Request at Anubhav (Contact Noreen Dsouza – 9892812973)
Free Medical consultancy by Dr. Anthony Rodrigues (Every Thursday 10am to 12pm)
Free Legal Advice by John D’Mello (Every Monday 5.00pm to 7.00pm)
Spiritual Counselling By Bro. Rajan (Every Wednesday 10.00am to 12.30pm.
Adoration Chapel
– The Chapel is open from 5:30am to 10:00pm. (CURRENTLY CLOSED TILL FURTHER NOTICE)
– Strict silence to be maintained in the Chapel.
– Adequate copies of the Bible are available.
– Adoration will be conducted by the SCCs Every Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm in the Chapel of Our Lady of Velankanni (below Infant Jesus Shrine) thereafter the same community will join for the 7pm mass and the community intentions will be lifted up during the adoration.
– The List for the Day will be displayed on the Parish Notice Board by the last week of each month, to make necessary arrangement by the respective SCCs, Associations & Cells to conduct the service