Parish Announcements

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Announcements: For the 24th Sunday of the Ordinary time, Year B - 15th September 2024

1(a) Today and Tomorrow St. Michael’s Community will put up a Cafeteria. Kindly patronise.

1(b) Requesting all the parents to send their children for the Catechism from the standard 1st till the Standard 11th. It will help the children to enrich themselves with the scripture and prayers.

2(a) Coming Saturday, the Church cleaning will be done by Our Lady of Nazareth Community.

3(a) Feast of St. Matthew will be celebrated on the 21th September, Saturday.

3(b) Coming Saturday at 6.15 P.M. thanksgiving mass by Holy Cross & Our Lady of Seven Sea Communities thereafter get together at the Community Hall and Church Terrace respectively.

4(a) Coming Sunday, at 9.40 A.M. thanksgiving mass by Mathew Community thereafter get together at the Community Hall. At 11.15 A.M. thanksgiving mass by Our Lady of Lourdes Community thereafter get together at the Church Terrace.

4(b) Coming Sunday at 5.00 P.M. thanksgiving mass by Our Lady of Miraculous Medal & Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Communities thereafter get together at the Community Hall and Church Terrace respectively.

4(c) Coming Sunday, there will be a Guajarati Mass at 11.00 A.M. at the Little Flower Hall.

4(d) Parish charity is done through the CWF, SVP and the Karunya Seva. This charity is for those deserving parishioners or general public as per the request for the Ration, Education and Medical.

These parishioners should be participating in the SCC cluster and community activities. They should be paying the 1% of the income of those who are in job and business. The parishioners should approach the animator and the PPC Member and they will direct them to the Parish Priest. The documents required are as follows: the application, the copy of Aadhar Card, Pan Card, Ration Card, 1 year Bank account of all the members of the family. The help will be granted only after the CWF committee scrutinizes, visits and it is approved by the parish priest. Kindly do not entertain any ways of media which have no proper verification

Fr. Lawrence D Cunha
Parish Priest, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road (E)

Date: 15 September 2024

Announcements: For the the 23rd Sunday of the Ordinary time, Year B - 8th September 2024

1(a) Tomorrow we are celebrating the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The mass timings are as follows: 6.15 A.M. English Mass, 7.30 A.M. Konkani Mass, 8.30 Corn Blessing and procession, 9.15 Mass in English at the church for the adult, and 9.15 A.M. Mass in English at the hall for the children, 11.15 A.M. Mass in English, 5.00 P.M. Mass in English.

1(b) Tomorrow morning vehicle parking will be done at the Holy Cross Convent School.

2(a) Coming Saturday, the Church cleaning will be done by St. Stephan Community.

3(a) The monthly adoration will be held on coming Friday after 6.30 P.M. Mass.

3(a) Feast of Exaltation of the Cross will be celebrated on the 14th September, Saturday. We pray for the intentions of the Sisters of the Holy Cross.

4(a) Coming Saturday, at 06.15 P.M. thanksgiving mass by Velankanni Community thereafter get together at the Community Hall.

4(b) Coming Saturday, at 06.15 P.M. thanksgiving mass by Good Shepherd Community thereafter get together at the Church Terrace.

4(c) Coming Sunday, at 11.15 A.M. thanksgiving mass by St. Dominic Savio Community thereafter get together at the Church Terrace.

4(d) Coming Sunday, at 5.00 P.M. thanksgiving mass by St. Teresa of Kolkatta Community thereafter get together at the Church Terrace.

4(e) Coming Sunday, there will be a Marathi Mass at 05.00 P.M. at the Church Terrace.

Fr. Lawrence D Cunha
Parish Priest, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road (E)

Date: 08 September 2024

Announcements: For the the 22nd Sunday of the Ordinary time, Year B - 1st September 2024

1(a) The SVP Unit of our parish will have the second collection today and Tomorrow.

2(a) On 5th September, Thursday, we are celebrating the Teachers day. We pray and are grateful for every teacher who is rendering their service at the Sunday school and all those who are working in the profession of teaching line. May God bless each of them.

3(a) Coming Friday is the First Friday of the month, Hindi Retreat from 9.00 A.M. to 3.30 P.M.. We will have the September month adoration on 13th of this month.

4(a) Coming Saturday, the Church cleaning will be done by St. Stephan Community.

5(a) During the week days Novena masses will be as follows: 6.15 A.M., 6.30 P.M. (Children Mass in the Hall); 6.30 P.M. (Adult Mass in the Church).
5(b) Coming Sunday we are celebrating the Feast of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Masses for the feast day are as follows: 6.15 A.M. English Mass, 7.30 A.M. Konkani Mass, 8.30 Corn Blessing and procession, 9.15 Mass in English at the church for the adult, and 9.15 A.M. Mass in English at the hall for the children, 11.15 A.M. Mass in English, 5.00 P.M. Mass in English. The blessed corn will be distributed during all the masses on the feast day, since we have limited corn, requesting the one member of each family to take only one blessed corn.
5(c) On the feast day the morning parking will be allowed at Holy Cross Convent School.
5(d) Coming Sunday, there will be a Tamil Mass at 06.15 P.M.
5(e) St. Joseph Konkani Welfare association is organizing Monthi Fest and Novem Jevann on 8th September at 6.30 P.M. at the St. Joseph Hall. There will be a musical skit on the birth of the Virgin Mary. There after blessing of the Novem Jevann. Coupons are available with the association members and at the church Stall. Kindly Join in large numbers for this family feast.

6(a) The Deanery Youth Day of the Mira Bhayandar Parishes will be celebrated at Divine Mercy Church at 3.00 P.M onwards on 15th September 2024. All the youth are requested to register their names at the earliest, with the respective youth animator by paying the registration fee Rs. 130/-

7(a) Bombay Archdiocese Senior Citizens Association invites the sick and the aged for the Celebration of the “Holy Eucharist” at Mount Mary Basilica, Bandra on Monday 16th September 2024 at 10.30 A.M. Request the PPC members to collect the names of 2 Members from each SCC Community and pass on the details as sent on the SCC Notice.

Fr. Lawrence D Cunha
Parish Priest, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road (E)

Date: 1st September 2024

SOP Guidelines

1. Daily mass at 6:15 AM and Sunday mass at 7.00 AM (Konkani) & 8:15 AM will also be live telecasted on YouTube.

2. Kindly Cooperate with the Ushers.

3. Kindly attend the mass allotted to your respective zone only.

4. Wearing of the mask, Sanitization at the entrance & checking of temperature is mandatory. (you are advised to carry your own sanitizers)
5. Social distancing while entering the church, in the church and while moving out of the church is compulsory.
6. Those who come as a family can sit together occupying one pew and those who attend individually are to occupy the lobby.
7. After receiving Holy Communion you are to exit the Church premises.
8. Touching or kissing of any statues or frames in the church is strictly prohibited.
9. Sick and those exhibiting symptoms of flu are requested not to attend the services.
10. Due to safety measures collection boxes will not be passed during the Mass. You can drop your contribution in the box placed at the entrance doors.
11. Holy Communion will be distributed at the end of the mass and has to be received only in hand. (kindly do not take home)
12. After the services no one is permitted to gather in the church premises.
Other Services - Timings

Daily Novenas (Prayed after 6.15 am Live Mass on YouTube)
Monday: St. Joseph
Tuesday: St. Anthony
Wednesday: Our Lady of Perpetual Succor
Thursday: Infant Jesus
Friday: Chaplet and Litany of Divine Mercy
Saturday: Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Nuptial Mass
Weekdays: 4:00 pm
Saturdays: 4:00 pm
Sundays: 3:30 pm & 6.15pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation: (Confession)
Monday to Friday:
5:45 pm to 5:55 pm/6.45 pm to 6.55 pm
Saturday: 5:30 pm to 5:55 pm

Sacrament of Baptism
– The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on all Saturdays of the month during the 7:15 pm Mass & Sundays of the month during the 11:00 am Mass.
– Parents must attend the Pre-Baptism course. Contact Parish Office for further details.

Sacrament of Matrimony
Couples should make arrangements with the Parish Priest and must attend the Marriage Preparation Course Six (6) months before the wedding day.

Special Administering of Sacraments (Anointing of the sick & Holy Eucharist)

– Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements if any of our Parishioners is being admitted to the hospital or is homebound, and, would like to receive the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion.
– If a Parishioner is unable to come to church and would like to receive Communion at home, please notify the Animator / Parish Office.
– The Eucharistic Ministers will administer Holy Communion to the Sick & Aged. In case the Parishioner wishes to make the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), the Clergy will administer Holy Communion.

House Blessings
– Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for House Blessing for new Parishioners.
– On the appointed day, a member of the family should meet the priest in the Parish Office/ Church and accompany him to avoid delay in locating the house for blessing.
– Community Visits on Tuesday and Wednesday.

– Every Friday from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm (Conducted by Priests)
– The Adoration Chapel is currently closed due to Covid.
– Adoration by the SCCs Every Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm in the Chapel of Our Lady of Velankanni (below Infant Jesus Shrine) (CURRENTLY ON HOLD DUE TO COVID)

Charismatic Prayer Service (CURRENTLY ON HOLD DUE TO COVID)
Monday: Hindi -7.30pm to 9.30pm
Wednesday: Konkani 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Thursday: English 7.30pm to 9.00pm

Sunday School (Catechism) 8.15am to 9.15am
Std 1st – 5th (in Anubhav)
Std 6th – 11th [Confirmation] (in Holy Cross Convent School)

Secular Carmel (OCDS)
Meetings on every Thursday 7.30pm to 8.30 pm at Anubhav.

Full day Retreat 
Full day retreat in Hindi on 1st Friday on all months 9.30am-4.00pm.

On Request at Anubhav (Contact Noreen Dsouza – 9892812973)

Free Medical consultancy by Dr. Anthony Rodrigues (Every Thursday 10am to 12pm)
Free Legal Advice by John D’Mello (Every Monday 5.00pm to 7.00pm)
Spiritual Counselling By Bro. Rajan (Every Wednesday 10.00am to 12.30pm.

Adoration Chapel
– The Chapel is open from 5:30am to 10:00pm. (CURRENTLY CLOSED TILL FURTHER NOTICE)
– Strict silence to be maintained in the Chapel.
– Adequate copies of the Bible are available.

– Adoration will be conducted by the SCCs Every Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm in the Chapel of Our Lady of Velankanni (below Infant Jesus Shrine) thereafter the same community will join for the 7pm mass and the community intentions will be lifted up during the adoration.

– The List for the Day will be displayed on the Parish Notice Board by the last week of each month, to make necessary arrangement by the respective SCCs, Associations & Cells to conduct the service